Golden Smile Dental Lab
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Zirconia Implant Crown (Cement Retained)

An implant supported crown is a dental restoration that replaces a missing tooth by inserting an artificial titanium root into the jawbone and attaching an zirconia crown to it. It is cemented in place and cannot easily be taken out.

The Benefits of Zirconia Implant Crown (Cement Retained)

1) Esthetics. Elimination of unaesthetic screw access holes in the occlusal table that must be patched with composites or acrylics – the shade never seems to match the crown perfectly.

2) Insertion. Easier insertion with compensation for implants that lack a similar path of draw with the neighboring teeth or implants; sometimes the implant has a very unique path of draw that would be difficult to restore with a screw-retained crown.

3) Passive fit of the restoration.

4) Lower laboratory costs. The fee is comparable to that of a crown for a natural tooth.

5) Fewer component changes to take an impression, temporize, or deliver the final restoration.

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