Golden Smile Dental Lab
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Printed Acrylic Partial Denture

The useful tooth restoration for the patients who are missing one or more teeth, it's helpful to find the right location to fill with scan of mouth and restore the tooth shape with support of 3D printing technology.

The Benefits of Printed Acrylic Partial Denture

By using the 3D scanning and printing technology, our lab can rebuild tooth shape for patients. It's very accurate after getting the scan of mouth and finished model can perfect fit with gum and remaining teeth. 

Compared with traditional technology, it's much more efficient to make new denture exclude the complicated fabricating process with the support of digital center and 3D printers.

Meanwhile, it helps our customer to save time and cost on the tooth restoration, patients no need to go to dentist many times for the right match, the scan of mouth can be stored in the computer, it can be used anytime when needed.

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